Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 1

Finally done with the first day. As with all new projects I got off to a bumpy start, even if it started well enough with getting out of bed at 10:00. The plan was to play squash with Arnesen from 11:00-12:00, but my car needed some small repairs so we had to walk. Took us about 20 minutes each way. Arnesen opened like a madman and only lost the first game with 11-8, but after those 8 minutes he was of course out of power. We played for a full hour anyways and it's always fun.

About a quarter to one I got back home but had to leave straight away. All across town to an engineshop by Ă˜stre Aker vei to get the parts I needed. Took the tram and the subway, but on my way back home there was some trouble with the trams, so I had to walk all the back home from Stortinget. I hates it.

So...fixed the car and finally sat down at the tables a little after 3 o'clock. Experienced some troubles with my new ongame skin and the extremely annoying Idleminer Ongame Handgrabber, so I didn't log many hands the first hour. Had a really good session in and was about $1050 up when I quit at 17:50.

Cooked a quick pastadinner and watched the latest Entourage episode. Feels sooooo good to have that show back. Californication, Friday Night Lights and some other favorites are also just around the corner, so no more crappy reruns. Played a football match at 7:20 for my employer Get. Was an important match to stay in the Oslo top division, so we used our best squad. So much more fun to play when all the players actually now how to pass and receive the ball. We won 5-3 and I got cramps in both my legs 40 seconds before the final whistle :P

When I got back home my gf had two friends over to watch Top Model on TV3, so after a shower and eating some chicken I started the final session of the day at 10:30. Played until 01:00 as planned and finished with 4091 hands for the day. Pretty pleased with that, considering how busy my day was. The hanggrabber has missed a few hands as well, because it is missing about $200 worth of profit.  It seems like 5-6 hours per day should be more than enough to reach my goal. All of this is playing eight tables of nl 400 at the ongame network.

I ended up playing 18.7/14.5 preflop. My postflop aggression was nice and balanced with 2.5-2.6-1.9. HEM says my net amount won was $1210 for a 7.4 winrate, but my bankroll sheet says $1396. I also made about $400 in loyalty bonuses, so a net income of about $1800 today. I'll go over a few hands tomorrow morning, but right now I'm gonna watch an NFL match I taped last night.



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